The HRAC offers a variety of options for folks to get involved! While our greatest need is always on our Syringe Access table, there are many other tasks which we need help with on a regular basis. These opportunities offer you a chance to fully participate in the HRAC community and help us offer better services to our participants.  BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and people who inject drugs are encouraged to join! You DO NOT have to be sober or have a home to work with us.

Interns: We offer unpaid internships on a seasonal basis. Class credit is an option when working with a University or other institution. Our internship opportunities include but are not limited to direct service, data entry, community outreach, and policy. For more information please email your resume and cover letter to lisa.harm.reduction@gmail.com. BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and people who use drugs are encouraged to apply! You DO NOT have to be sober or have a home to work with us.


If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out the form below and send to HRAC.Denver@gmail.com and our Volunteer Director will reach out to you shortly. Our volunteer opportunities include:

Syringe Access: This is the easiest way to get involved and learn about our program! Syringe Access volunteers work the Access Table on any day from 9am-Noon, Monday-Friday. While working the table you will provide sterile syringes to our participants as well as promote our range of services, from Medicaid enrollment to Narcan training. Training is required and occurs about every 3 months (check with a staff member to find out dates).

Street Outreach: Have a passion for people? Our street outreach volunteers help us in promoting safe injection practices by physically bringing our resources to the people who need it most. During outreach we are able to conduct mobile exchange with participants unable to make it into our fixed site. We also conduct intakes, getting PWID (people who inject drugs) enrolled in our program in the hopes that they come to our center as their entryway into public health services. Many of our street outreach volunteers find this to be a rewarding and fulfilling activity, directly getting involved with program participants. Training is recommended. Currently, we are going out on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons.

Neighborhood Clean-up: HRAC is invested in creating a healthier and safer Denver. We frequently host a clean-up to show our neighbors that we are invested in keeping our city clean. SAP’s have been proven to make a neighborhood safer as there is an investment from staff and participants to the area they are able to serve within. Our clean-up crew helps us make this happen. Ask staff when the next neighborhood clean-up is scheduled for. 

HRAC staff conduct their own clean ups 4 out of 5 days we are open, please reach out to our volunteer coordinator if you are interested in joining staff on clean up. 

Syringe Clean-up: Our on-call syringe clean ups consist of cleaning the metro-Denver area of syringes. This is critical for public health in general as it keeps Colorado safe from the dangers of improperly disposed syringes. Sterile gloves and bio containers will be provided.

 In-kind fundraising: Donation volunteers will coordinate with staff to seek, call, and apply for in-kind donations from local hotels, businesses and restaurants that keep our drop-in operational. With these generous donations, we are able to provide a multitude of other resources for our participants.

Special Events: Event volunteers would help in presenting our work to the community via tabling, in addition to participating with staff at key events for service providers for folks experiencing homelessness. This position requires extended experience with our program.

Social Media Advocacy: Not graphic-savvy but have a computer? We need you! Help promote HRAC and our programs on social media. You can do this from your bed, in your pajamas, watching Netflix (you know you do). Follow us on social media and take a little time occasionally to share our posts with your friends and family. This helps us spread our message and get the word out about our accomplishments within the community.